- “Nothing but the Truth” – When Is It Ethical to Lie?
- "Finders Keepers" - Returning Lost Articles and the Case of the Jewish Library Lost during the Holocaust
- "The Robin Hood Dilemma" – Stealing to Save Lives
- “Sweet Revenge” - Ethics of Hatred, Revenge and Bearing a Grudge
- “The Road Back” - Punishment, Rehabilitation & Reform. How do we know when a person has really changed?
- "Unjust Desserts" - Profiting on Someone Else’s Tab. Do I have to pay them back?
- "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle" – When does a minor stop being a minor and become responsible for his actions?
- "Dreidels and Dice" - the Ethics of Gambling
- "Survivor" - Endangering Oneself to Save a Life
- "Vigilante" – Taking the Law into Ones Own Hands
- "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Names WILL Hurt Me" - Defamation, Gossip and Freedom of Speech
- “Charity Starts at Home” – Ethical Guidelines for Distributing Charity: How Much? To Whom? In What Manner?
- "When a Picture is Not Worth a Thousand Words" - Ethics of Displaying Gruesome and Violent Images in the Media
- "Getting a Fresh Start" - Bankruptcy In Jewish Law
- "Timely Payment of Wages and Rentals"
- "A Gentleman's Agreement" - Promises, Handshakes and Oral Agreements: When is one's Word Legally Binding?
- "The Body Worlds Exhibit" - Ethics of Autopsies, Cremation and Embalming
- "Separation Anxiety" - Ethical Issues Surrounding Separating Conjoined Twins, based upon a landmark surgery performed by a former surgeon general
- "Controlling Anger" - The Jewish Approach to Anger Management and How to Deal with Difficult People at Work and Home
- "Guided Tour of the Talmud"
- "Dram Shop Liability and the Talmud" - Serving Drinks at Parties, Drunken Driving; Who's Responsible?
- "How to Give Advice and Counsel Ethically"
- "Forgive and Forget...Really?" - When and How to Give and Gain Forgiveness in the Face of Personal, Professional or Social Insult and Harm
- "Oops!" - When are Accidents Truly Accidents or Really Acts of Negligence?
- “The Sabbath: Social Imperative or Just another Day Off?” – The Meaning of Shabbat and its unique ability to impact the moral fabric of society.
- “21st Century Idols” – Ego, Hedonism and Materialism: Judaism’s approach to an eternal moral challenge
- “Adult Children, Aging Parents and the Law” – Navigating the moral challenges of caring for elderly parents
- “The Law of the Greater Good” - How to prioritize conflicting moral obligations.
- “Jealousy on the Job” – Coveting, Envy and Jealousy in Personal and Professional Relationships
- "Courtrooms of the Mind" - Ethics of Giving the Benefit of the Doubt and Judging Others Favorably